Global Advertisement

Remember the following information:

You can create a Global Brand Advertisement account to reach an unlimited audience whenever you post a photo and its content. Each photo you post will become an advertisement. Simply add your photo and its preferred content and upload it. Every photo you upload will become your advertisement, giving your ad an unlimited boost to all newsfeeds globally.

You are entitled to 2 call-to-action default buttons: a Contact button or an Order button. You can use these buttons to promote your brand or sell items. You can assign the 2 button options to your advertisement directly from your profile.

It is important to select targeting keywords related to your business and be specific to target your audience.

When editing your profile page, consider that users will enter into the search bar keywords related to your service offerings and brand.

This also includes subjects that you’ve already decided to select when editing your profile page, video content added or the info described in your content and keywords related to the article.

Everyone on mobile receives your advertisement

Note: It is also important to add keywords in your video content and articles that are targeting related keywords related to your business so users can easily locate you on the search bar.

We also suggest that you upload your promotional videos to YouTube while adding a subscribe button to your YouTube videos on Hey! WhatUp’ to build a desired YouTube channel on YouTube.

Grow your brand, add subscribers, sell your products, and deliver your services.

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